Tuesday, November 07, 2006

...A Few of my favorite things.

Since I went back to work I was a little concerned about my life being in a rush. I realized that some things would fall through the cracks, so I did a small inventory. I knew time with God, my husband, and my daughter where priorities 1,2, and 3. Then church and ministry came in at number 4 (even though we are still in the process of getting plugged into ministry at our relatively new church.). I also know that I fall in to the "cleany" category (vs. the "messy" category) and that I LOVE having a clean house.

So, I shopped around and found my new best friend. Her name is Carol and she now cleans my house every couple of weeks. She's pretty inexpensive and she makes me very very happy. Yesterday was her first day and when I came home from work to a clean house I was almost giddy with excitement. We have a huge expanse of white linolieum (much to our dismay) and it has NEVER EVER been that clean. Conrad says I must love Carol more than I love him. Not true, however, I think I may write her into my will :)

1 comment:

JaydensJourney said...

I have the same "dirty little secret"! Merry Maids comes tomorrow (as they do every other week now). I always love coming home after they have been there. Congratulations on Carol! Enjoy!