Sunday, December 10, 2006

Blast from the Past

Over the weekend, we went to visit my family. My grandparents just built a small house on the side of my parent's home. It's a cute little house but it required my grandma to downsize quite a bit and that required my expertise...throwing things away! Anyway, we ran across a box of old pictures and I thought I really had to post some of these for my family to see...and there are a few self discriminating pictures as well.

Yes indeed I was a cheerleader!

My mom and I, nice hair, huh?

And this is a singing group my whole family used to have called the Young Lites...classic. I'm related to almost everyone in this picture...maybe everyone?!


Anonymous said...

I never knew you ever had hair that long! WoW! and why isnt' it curly in the other one?

SO cute!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics...that took a special kind of vulnerability and self disclosure... but you left out my favorite pink hat and afro picture! I'll give you a special prize if you post that one for the international world! :) RM