Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Baby....

Today is Conrad's Birthday. I surprised him by making a couple of cakes and putting up a BIG sign outside his office saying that it was his birthday, eat some cake and wish him a good one. I think he was surprised when he got in from his meeting this morning, and of course, his co-workers were ecstatic with a morning cake break. We ride to work together and I took a big heavy gym bag with me today stuffed with tupperwear, napkins, and all the fixins. He asked me if I was running away from home on our way out the door. Geezzz, I wish I took my camera to work today!

The next logical question you might ask is how old is Conrad? Great question. One I will try to answer. You see, one day, thirty or so years ago, Raymond, Conrad's older brother fell behind in school. Something about going to stay with his grandparents for an extended amount of time and missing too much school. As a result, his older brother got put in Conrads class. For reasons only his father will understand, his dad decided that he was going to change Conrad and Raymonds Birthday's by a year....making them both a year younger. I think age is a relative concept in India... I'm not sure I got all of the details of that story right, but it's interesting trivia about my husband!

Anyway, happy 34/35 birthday, honey. I Love you!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Conrad!

How in the world did I miss out on the cake and goodies and I'm only a few floors up from you? : )

Hope you had a wonderful day, regardless of whether you're 34 or 35!

Natalie H.

Anonymous said...

Happy 40th Birthday!!!! You look great for your age!!