Thursday, February 08, 2007

Six Months Today

Today Isabelle is six full months old! Where did the time go? I think everyday she get's more and more beautiful. She is feeling much better these days and more interactive than ever. Last night she slept in her crib all night long and woke up happy as a clam. But she has been getting up more in the middle of the night than usually. I think she got used to waking up while she was sick. We are starting baby sign language this month. I have learned several words but she just looks at me like I'm from another planet when I sign them to her. Oh well, we'll keep working on it. But I HEAR that your kid have up to a 12 point higher IQ if you use baby sign language...who knows!!?? :) It just sounded like a good way for a pre-speaker to communicate to me.

She's really starting to get into food and show a lot of interest. This you can see from her intense concentration in the pictures in this post. She is so fun!


Shanygne said...

That's a really good sign she is ready to try finger foods... cheerios are great and there are these great "puffs" out there by Gerber, I think...made from fruit and vegetable flour or something... mmm...I like the sweet potato ones...

I love the Isabelle pictures... she is just so beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

The e-card I sent is for Isabelle not you, but Isabelle doesn't have an e-mail adress yet. I always know Isabelle's exact age because she is one month younger than my marriage to the day. That was my second thought today"Isabelle is 6 motnhs old" (my first thought of course was that I have been married 7 months now). Ok talk to you soon. Give Isabelle a kiss for us!

Anonymous said...

Finger foods are fabulous. At 6 months, Carlie started eating Butter Cookies, yogurt, Cheerios and dried apples (Gerber makes them).
Also, baby sign language is great. Carlie had a minimal vocabulary by one. She could say things like "more", "milk", "please". Now, at 3, she has a very broad sign language vocabulary. We work with her at home and she also learns it at school. In addition, she speaks some Spanish which is quite fun as every now and then, she will be in the middle of a conversation and just start saying things in Spanish.
Isabelle is absolutely adorable.

Anonymous said...

Hi D, I can't offer any mommy advice about finger foods but I love the pics... who wouldn't be interested in Lay's original? BTW Mark loved the Isabelle video. It's our new evening entertainment (gaa over the Isabelle baby blog)... RM

Anonymous said...

Hi, DP! I agree with the puffs. I prefer the peach flavor...tastes like a friut smoothie! We just used very basic sign language with DJ and Ellie. They were able to communicate their needs to us before they could talk. It cut down on their frustration and our frustrattion. We never took it any further once they could talk, though.