Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cranky Water Bug

Last night was Isabelle’s third swimming class. I should note that Isabelle has been cutting some serious teeth for the past two weeks. From what we can assess, she is cutting four molars at one time! This would explain the weepy cryie cranky clingy child we have had for 14 days. And on these days I wonder HOW mom’s stay home with their kids all day when they are like this?? I know it’s horrible to say, but my nice quiet cubicle at work, with it’s soothing lights from the computer monitor and comfy office chair is a nice repast.

Anyway, she cried all Sunday night, on and off. She woke up on Monday with one of her loud screams and yelled and squealed till we dropped her at daycare. We picked her up, and the moment she saw us she started whining again and didn’t stop till her little body hit the water at swimming class at 7:05pm. Then she was happy child again.

She is getting good at swimming. She spashed and kicked and went under water and jumped from the wall and “swam” almost all by herself. She loved swimming and is fearless…mores so than even the weeks before! I had such a good time with her too! I was amazed at what she’s learned and retained!

Then the last drop of water was dried from her arms and legs, she started whining and kicking and crying again. Apparently, happy baby only exists at the YMCA.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should take her to the Y every night for a little happy time! Hopefully she cuts those teeth soon so she can feel better.

drowninginblessing said...

Oh, D, I'll pray for little Isabelle and the dutiful parents. It was a busy Burke Thanksgiving... record meal time (at 7:30 pm). We're enjoying the sunshine and mountains on the farm, and of course Abe is loving all the attention!

Unknown said...

Four molars at a time must be extremely painful for her. Have you tried the baby oragel?

Emily Jade said...

Molars are nasty...nothing but a pain reliever really seems to work. Occasionally a frozen washcloth helped too, but I only used them at bathtime - so it probably was being in the water - just like Isabelle!!

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you too - and I am envious of the "bring the grandchild" only requirement. I still have turkey coming out my ears!!

Anonymous said...

I feel for you and the teething! Carlie never whined or cried as her teeth came in and she would get 4-5 at a time. All 8 of her front teeth came through in a matter of 3 weeks. Luke is a bit more sensitive to it, but it does not change his disposition for very long and never interrupts his sleep. I find Baby Motrin is the best fix or a wet washcloth I put in the freezer. I even let Luke suck on a popsicle a day that his were more bothersome.