Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Hooter What?

When I was expecting Isabelle I asked my mom friends for a recommendations of thier favorite products before I registered. I got such great tips (thanks Christy!)that I wanted to pass along my favorite new product.

We were at the play area at our local mall, our usual winter haunt, and I was struggling to feed Grace while maintaining my modesty with a recieving blanket. That's when I noticed this mom across the way with this spiffy apron looking thing around her neck nursing her squirmy toodler successfully. It even had a piece of boning in the collar so you can look down under the cover to see the baby as she nurses.

So I went over and asked her where she got it. After I got the skinny, I immediately went to ebay and bought me a Hooter Hider! It's such a clever invention, I wish I would have thought of it!


Shanygne said...

Those girls are much too cute!! (and I mean Isabelle and Grace...)

Yeah, wish I had one of those contraptions for ANY of my kids... a lady at church told me she was getting one for me, but accidentally ordered a boy version, sent it back and never got a girl one... so, I was banished to the blanket... except Katie didn''t WANT to be hidden away and would always pull it down. SO, I have banished myself to many a bathroom, or our car. It's not sooo bad.

How are you doing, adjusting to two??

The Polo Club said...

I will have to keep that in mind for the next baby. Some man must have come up with this invention and the name.