While we were in India, Isabelle dumped out most of the rice cereal I had brought for Grace, so we decided to introduce bananas into her diet. And she loves her some bananas too! Although she was constipated for several days AFTER her first couple banana meals, everything is now flowing as it should be and our baby is a happy eater.
Grace also cut her first two teeth while she was in India! Everyone kept calling her “laughing doll.” And since she is THE white grandchild, she looks like a vanilla ice cream cone in the midst of chocolate! It was so fun to introduce her to everyone, and especially to her Grandparents!
Conrad’s brother and sister-in-law, Alfred and Sudha are Grace’s Godparents. We asked Alfred right after Grace was born. In the course of conversation during our trip (nearly 6 months after Grace’s birth), Sudha came to find out that she was Grace’s God mother for the first time. Apparently, Alfred had never shared that fact with his wife. What is it with men and communication? We laughed about the Michael brothers and wondered WHAT they actually talk about when they talk.
i can tell by the look on her face she wants her granny,i love those two little girls, granny
Gracie is looking like her aunt Jana these days. What a cutie. Is a "bindi" the dot that Indians wear?
I didn't think she looked that "white" until I saw her in the picture with who I am assuming is her cousin...
So cute!! I would love to see all your family again, Conrad. You have such a beautiful family. They are all so sweet. I would say that Gracie is missing her Oma, Granny - but we would all know its just wishful thinking on my part. She lights up when her Granny comes into the room.
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