Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Tippy Toe

Isabelle has started dance class. Can I tell you how much we enjoy this?? Between her and I, we can’t wait for Monday nights! She thinks she’s as cool as a Russian ballerina performing Swan Lake and all of us parents sit at the sidelines and giggle and watch our little princesses with baited breath and a camera or two as the teacher tries to herd our little group of two and three year old girls. Have you ever heard the expression, “Like trying to herd cats?” She is doing a tap/ballet
combo. So far they’ve managed to practice tippy toe, tippy toe, and shuffle shuffle shuffle. Not to mention “Ballerina arms.” Her friend Addie and Addie’s brother Gage came in late and Isabelle starts shouting, “Gage, Gage, we doing Ballet Shoes” over and over again. We currently have Isabelle and two families with little girls who I assume are adopted from China, and Isabelle’s friend Addie is the only non-Asian in the group. They are all cute as buttons and I’m not at all sure who enjoys the class more, the parents or the kids…


Anonymous said...

Oh, so cute...more please...they are all so cute, looks like Isabelle is doing a great job...I cannot wait for swan lake. Glad things are going great. Love you all. Terri and Philip

drowninginblessing said...

How adorable! I love the black ballet shoes with the bows.

Brittany said...

Isabelle is so cute!
I wish i could see her dance,
she is doing a great job for just beginning,
I can't wait to see you guys again(:

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute in her all black. She is going to think that everything is a "costume". I'm glad to hear that she is having fun after all the trouble you had the first night she was supposed to go to her class.
Love you all,
Aunt Brenda

Anonymous said...

what a little beauty,!!!!
love you all granny

Oma said...

what time is her class on Monday? I have to come and see her. She is soooo adorable. Please, please more pictures. Love you all.