Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Hello Baby

I apologize for the scant posts lately. I have simply been depressed about my gadget situation. Namely the loss of my faithful old point and shoot camera. Every day I think "Oh, I wish I could take a picture of that." And I think of all of the memories that I won't have documentation of. *sigh* As my friend Brandon used to say, "Put down that camera and start taking pictures with your head!"...or something to that effect.

Anyway, I'm very excited to announce the purchase of our new family member...and really, what else and how important is a camera to a family with small children?

The Fuji FinePix SLR LIKE camera. I'm just moving on up in my photography skills and I LOVE the idea of pictures as art. I took a photography class in college that was utterly ridiculous and all about FILM! Do you remember film? Funny smell, dark room, lots of chemicals. Very expensive?? Have I mentioned I love technology?

Anway the Fuji isn't a full blown SLR camera, because...we'll we still have college to save for. But it's SLR LIKE and that's good enough for me and my PHOTOGRAPHER LIKE skills.

1 comment:

JaydensJourney said...

Wooo Hoooo - great choice. I did the Kodak version, mostly for it's fast click to capture. You'll love having SLR type features. Can't wait to see some pictures from your new baby.