Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I have been so blessed to have my grandparents in my life. I have to say that they have added a depth and quality to my childhood and adult life by thier wisdom and presence. For most of my life I have had all four of my grandparents, and only in the past few years lost two of those precious family members.

Grandma Margie and Papaw Clynis continue to be around for MY little ones. Grandma makes a lot of debutes in "The Michael Chronicles" because Grace is her favorite she's around a lot! As a matter of fact, if you ask Grace, "Who's baby are you?" She'll say, "I Ganny's Baby"

I thought I'd post some pictures of my Papaw and Grace, having a deep conversation. If you don't know Papaw, you'll know that he loves to tell a good story...I wonder which story he's sharing with Grace? She looks totally in to it!?

And here is Isabelle with Grandma Margie. Love it!


Anonymous said...

Your Grandparents are Awesome they have alot of Wisdom and PaPaw does love to tell stories !!!

drowninginblessing said...

Aw, Thanks for sharing the precious moments. Grace is going to know more about car repairs than any other two year old around. :) I miss Papaw Clynis and Grandma Margie!