Thursday, March 17, 2011


I'm a list maker and an organizer by nature. I love to accomplish tangible tasks. People like me don't always make the best parents (In case you didn't know!) I read this on a friends blog and decided I needed to put this on our fridge:

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tommorrow
For babies grow up we learn to our sorrow
So quiet down cob webs and dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep!


Shanygne said...

I've seen this several times over the years... seems I must need to learn this lesson! UGH!
And as far as you not being a good parent - p-shaw! I have no doubt that you are one of the best.

drowninginblessing said...

Thank you. This was for me, as I struggle against the frustration of all that still needs to be cleaned after our flood (cause the babies still need their mommy).

Anonymous said...

love this picture.

Oma said...

This is such a beautiful picture - and you are realizing that they do grow up soooo very fast. The days can be long and frustrating but nothing in life compares to this time...things will wait....and by the way you do get that from me. Had to always feel like I had to measure up and keep the house clean....such a lose for all the good times I could of had with you and J.