Sunday, August 07, 2011

Happy 5 Isabelle

Dear Isabelle

Today is your 5th birthday. I can't believe you have been in our lives for five whole years! Daddy and I were just thinking back to the day we brought you home from the hospital. Little four and a half pound you. After everyone left we sat on the couch staring at you and wondering why in the world they let us take you home from the hospital with such little idea of what we were doing!?

We'll we've made it through five beautiful, growing, energetic, healthy, and breathtaking years and you have been the light of our lives. You are so smart, it's scares us a little. You are so sassy, it scares us just a little too. We love your beauty and your intelligents, and we also love your strength. You won't struggle with things that most other kids struggle'll probably always have good self esteem and sense of life direction. But you'll have your own set of obstacles.

Our prayer for you is that you continue to grow to know God and that He will always be your hearts desire. We pray that you learn to have compassion for the lost and those in need. And that your ears will always be open to hear the voice of God and your heart open to follow His direction. These things are the secrets to a joyful and purpose filled life.

We love you baby girl!

Love, Mommy and Daddy


Isabelle @ 1 year old

Isabelle @ 2 years old

Isabelle @ 3 years old

Isabelle @ 4 years old

Isabelle @ 5 years old


Aunt Brenda said...

What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful daughter. She truly is a special little girl. I love her almost as much as you. Hope to see the girls a little more before schools starts.

drowninginblessing said...

What a wonderful prayer for such a special little lady. This four year old picture shows Isabelle's destiny in Baliwood, should she desire it. :)
Isabelle, we treasure you, pray for you always, and know that God will complete his plans in you!