Friday, April 20, 2007

Isabelle's Home Away from Home

Before Isabelle was born I really worried about putting her in someone else’s care while I went to work. After Isabelle was born, during my 3 month maternity leave, I DREADED putting her into daycare. I wanted to stay home with her, but it just wasn’t feasible at the time. We planned on placing her with a friend of mine, Tara, who wanted to watch a child or two at home, so she could stay home with her little guy. Unfortunately, around the time Isabelle was born, Tara took a job as director of a Daycare center.

The daycare was right behind our house, is housed and operated by our old church, and I was even on the advisory board that helped establish the daycare a few years back. So, needless to say, this was a good second choice for us.

I’m now pretty happy that she’s there. Isabelle LOVES daycare. When we take her there in the mornings, she all but jumps out of my arms into Miss Kim’s arms, her main caregiver. There is a great ratio, only one or two babies per one worker. And many of my friends retired mom’s work there part time. So we just love that Grandma Sally comes a couple of times a week to cuddle and hold Isabelle.

Not to mention, since I am friends with most everyone there, and Isabelle is such an easy-going baby, she tends to be a favorite  And people from church drop in to kiss her and hold her every now and then. I know that they do for her what they would do for their own children, and it gives us GREAT peace! When we walk in in the evening, it’s always peaceful and happy and kids worship music is usually playing…when I think about how much we pay, geeeze, its well worth the money!

1 comment:

Angie said...

That is wonderful that you have a caring environment to put her while you are working. I wish we had a good Christian school close by. sigh!