I think I’ve mentioned before how much I. LOVE.
Jeni’s Splendid Ice cream, right? Oh, this place is just delish. My favorite ice cream is their Gravel Roads, which is salty carmel ice cream, with crushed smoked krema almonds. Excuse me as I wipe the drool from my mouth. Better yet, you can wrap the ice cream in a soft almond macaroon, and roll in in more almonds. Heaven. I haven’t managed to re-create Gravel Roads...and honestly I’m a bit intimidated by it.
I have gotten their totally yummy Strawberry Buttermilk ice cream. So I decided THIS I could do. So, here is our current favorite homemade treat:
Strawberry Buttermilk Ice Cream
1 c heavy cream
1 c cold buttermilk
6 egg yolks
1/2 c sugar
3/4 c strawberries, 1/2 crushed, 1/2 just sliced
Bring the cream to a boil, slowly. In a bowl, wisk together the six egg yolks and the sugar. When the cream is at a boil, slowly add it to the sugar and egg mixture. Wisk it together and when it’s well mixed, put it back into the pan and cook it on medium heat until it thickens slightly. Remove from heat and strain it. Put it into a container, add the buttermilk and stir. Chill for two hours or more.
Put the mixture into your ice cream maker and follow directions. During the last five or ten minutes of mixing, add the strawberries.
Eat right away or put in the freezer for a couple of hours. Yum!